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Sleep Dentistry

Sleep Dentistry in Sydney CBD

Do you or your partner suffer from breathing difficulties during sleep such as snoring or obstructive sleep apnoea? You will be pleased to know that SPA Dental may have a solution for you. A variety of oral devices or mouthpieces are now available that will address your snoring problems. By preventing the lower jaw from dropping back during sleep, these devices can prevent the closure of your airways, which will stop you from snoring. Your dentist can fit one of these for you.

Here is how the treatment works:
  1. A custom-made mouth piece is made from impressions taken of your teeth to ensure they fit you comfortably.
  2. Made from a hard wearing plastic, the mouthpiece is worn at night and works by holding the bottom jaw in a slightly forward position.
  3. This position opens up your airway significantly, allowing you to breathe better and as a result sleep better too.
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All treatment carries risks. Individual consultations are required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from another appropriately qualified health practitioner. Contact us for more information. Rebates may vary depending on your individual health fund.