Month: April 2023

Will Invisalign be expensive? A guide to the cost broken down
It is something that has happened to almost everyone; you have purchased a service, such as having a new bathroom fitted, only to find that the end cost was much higher than you thought it would be. Not good! When you are...
Are dental implants worth it? Advantages explored!
Do you have missing teeth that are causing you to shy away from photos or preventing you from smiling? Do you want to have those pesky gaps filled? When you come to see our team at Spa Dental, we will be more...
FAQs about Invisalign aligners answered
Most adults who have misaligned teeth want an option to straighten them that will not involve metal braces or excessive trips to the dentist and will not cost a fortune. Enter the invisible aligner! Our team at Spa Dental have worked with...
Are your invisible braces working? How to spot an issue
Sometimes in life, things simply don't go as planned. Whether it is dying your hair, retiling your kitchen, or even having your teeth straightened. And in some instances, there is no real underlying issue that can be fixed, but in most cases,...
Key signs you need a root canal from our dentist
There are few dental procedures that are as misrepresented as a root canal. Associated with making abscesses worse and turning teeth black, root canals have long been a concern for dental patients, with many people stating that they would rather have the...
Key advantages of dental implants that you may not have thought of
Most people who have missing teeth are looking for a simple and efficient way to restore them. Of course, there is the option to have a bridge fitted or a set of dentures, but what if you could have both of these...
Unsure if Invisalign is for you? Read on!
Are you an adult who missed out on orthodontic treatment as a child? Was your misalignment not severe enough to warrant braces? This may have left you with a niggling misalignment that you want to be done with, but also one that...
Reasons to switch to our dentist at Spa Dental today!
Are you feeling a bit off with your current dental surgery? If you are like most people, you may be looking for something more when you visit your dental surgery. And with the range of cosmetic dental care that is now available,...
New to wearing clear braces? How to care for them in daily life
Most people growing up had that one friend who wore braces. This person will have likely told you all about how often they needed to clean their braces and their teeth and how often they needed to attend dental appointments. So, most...