Tag: kids

How to brush your child’s teeth
Good oral hygiene should begin at an early age. Teeth need to be cleaned properly on a daily basis because germs or bacteria in your mouth grow on teeth and around the gums every day. If you keep your child’s teeth clean...
Have your chocolate and eat it too
Have your chocolate and eat it too – 6 tips for a cavity free Easter The good news is this: With proper precautions, you can enjoy a few Easter indulgences without damaging your teeth. So, go ahead! You can have your chocolate...
Snack Attack
For a long time we’ve heard ‘you are what you eat’, a phrase commonly associated with weight management. Funnily enough, the same is true of your teeth. Diet plays a major role in oral health. A healthy and balanced diet (combined with...
When should my child first see the dentist?
Earlier than you think! Just because your baby doesn’t have a full set of teeth doesn’t mean they are not at risk. As a general rule, you should book an appointment with your dentist when your baby’s first tooth becomes visible or...
Hygienist Corner with Kylie & Jody
Dental HygienistWant to save $50 on your next hygiene appointment??? Of course you do. Well, Kylie is having another baby boy in June and is somewhat...

Mouthguards in Sport
Sporting accidents are one of the most common causes of dental injury. Every year thousands of people, including children, are treated for dental injuries that could have been avoided or minimised by wearing a protective, custom-fitted mouthguard. Why do you need a mouthguard?...
Causes of oral cancer
You don’t have to be a smoker. You don’t even have to live an unhealthy lifestyle to be at risk of oral cancer. While there are certain lifestyle choices that definitely increase the chance of developing it, there are a number of...