Key signs you need a root canal from our dentist


There are few dental procedures that are as misrepresented as a root canal.

Associated with making abscesses worse and turning teeth black, root canals have long been a concern for dental patients, with many people stating that they would rather have the tooth extracted. As a dental team, it is our aim to save as many teeth as we can, so if we can perform a root canal, we will push to!

Seeing our team at Spa Dental will allow you to see the high level of care that our dentist Sydney provides for all of our patients, as well as our dedication towards maintaining your dental health. So, if you need to have a check-up, or want to have dental cosmetic work performed, call us!

But going back to the root canal, what are some of the signs that you need to have one performed? Our dentist Sydney answers that question below.


The most common sign that you need a root canal is discomfort, and this sensation can be sharp or dull and may come and go. You may experience it when you bite down or apply pressure to the tooth, or the discomfort may be constant. Either way, if you have this with any of your teeth, whether the sensation appeared suddenly or gradually, book a check-up with our dentist Sydney so we can assess your options.


If you have a tooth or teeth that feel sensitive to hot or cold temperatures, you may need a root canal. The sensitivity may be mild at first, but it can become more severe over time and can point to the root or pulp of the tooth being exposed, which is not good!


Swelling around a tooth can be a sign that you need a root canal. Why? Because even if the swelling is not accompanied by discomfort, it can be a sign that there is an infection. If the node is accompanied by discomfort, it can be a sign that the infection has spread to the surrounding tissue.


If you notice that one of your teeth has become discoloured, it may be a sign that you need a root canal. This discolouration can be a result of the damage or infection that is affecting the pulp inside the tooth. This is why so many people have concerns that a root canal will turn their teeth black when, in actuality, it may simply cause the tooth to look a bit darker in its natural hue.


Ending with the main reason for a root canal, an abscess is a collection of pus which forms around the base or root of a tooth. If you have an abscess, you will likely experience extreme discomfort and sensitivity, swelling, and a bad taste in your mouth. An abscess can be a sign that you need a root canal, as it indicates that the infection has begun to spread away from the initial area. But if you have any of the aforementioned symptoms, feel nauseated, have a fever or have dental discomfort that is preventing you from sleeping or focusing, please call our team.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.