A guide to having dental implants fitted

Are you eager to replace a missing tooth or teeth?
Well, you’re in luck!
Oral implants have changed the field of dentistry, providing a long-lasting and natural-looking solution for individuals with missing teeth. The process of fitting oral implants is a meticulously planned and executed procedure that involves several stages, and luckily, most dental teams can offer this treatment.
When you come to see our team at Spa Dental Sydney, our team will be happy to assess your suitability for dental implants Sydney. We will answer any questions you have about the process and offer you top-notch aftercare so that you can get as many years as possible out of your implants.
In this article, we will take you through the step-by-step journey of how dental implants Sydney are fitted, from initial assessment to the final restoration, enabling patients to regain their smiles and confidence.
Initial appointment
The process of fitting dental implants Sydney begins with an initial consultation with our team. During this appointment, we will thoroughly examine the patient’s oral health, including the condition of the jawbone, surrounding teeth, and gums. X-rays and 3D scans may be taken to assess the quality and density of the bone, which is crucial for the success of the implant procedure.
Once the assessment is complete, we will develop a personalised treatment plan. This plan takes into account the number of missing teeth, their location, and the patient’s overall oral health. Using advanced imaging technology, we can determine the optimal placement and angle of the implants for the most stable and natural-looking result.
Preparatory procedures
You may require preparatory procedures before the implant placement. These procedures could involve bone grafting to augment the jawbone’s volume and density in areas where it has diminished due to tooth loss or other factors. This step ensures that the jawbone is strong enough to support the dental implants effectively.
Implant fitting
With the preparatory steps completed, our team will proceed to the implant placement, usually done under local anaesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort throughout the procedure. A small incision is made in the gum tissue to expose the jawbone, and then a pilot hole is drilled at the predetermined location for each implant.
Next, the titanium implant posts, which act as artificial tooth roots, are carefully inserted into the jawbone. Titanium can fuse with the surrounding jaw bone through a process called osseointegration, providing a sturdy foundation for the eventual dental crowns.
Healing and aftercare
After the implants are installed, the healing process begins. Over the next few months, osseointegration occurs as the jawbone fuses with the titanium implants. This critical stage is crucial to the long-term success of oral implants, ensuring stability and preventing any implant failure.
Once osseointegration is complete, a minor surgical procedure is performed to place abutments on the implant posts. Abutments are connector pieces that protrude above the gum line and serve as attachment points for the dental crowns.
Final restoration
After a short healing period to allow the gum tissue to mature around the abutments, the final step is the placement of the dental crowns. These crowns are custom-made to match the colour, shape, and size of the surrounding natural teeth, ensuring a seamless and aesthetically pleasing smile.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.