‘Can I eat pizza with clear braces?’ 5 questions about Invisalign answered by our team


When you want to straighten your smile as an adult, you may think this means wearing a less-than-discrete metal brace.

You may also think that due to your age, you may no longer be suitable for orthodontic treatments and that you may have to resign to having misaligned teeth for the rest of your life. Luckily, neither of these are true!

Thanks to advances in modern orthodontic treatments, it is now possible to get straighter teeth as an adult without using a metal brace and the brace commonly used in dental surgeries is suitable for most people who have good oral health!

Known as Invisalign, these clear braces in Sydney are perfect for fitting around a busy day-to-day life and can help you get that straight smile you deserve without attracting unwanted stares. Custom-fitted and easy to use, this brace requires less time in the dental chair and its progress can be shared with our team at Spa Dental using an app on your smartphone. Brilliant!

But before you rush to book your consultation for clear braces in Sydney with us, you will likely have some questions. Here, our dentists answer 5 of the most commonly asked questions about Invisalign treatment. Enjoy!

What food can I eat with Invisalign?

Any food you like!

As these clear braces in Sydney are removable, there is no restriction on the foods you can eat. Simply take them out, put them in their case and enjoy your meal! Remember to give your teeth a quick brush before putting them back in though, as this will reduce the chance of you developing tooth decay or gum disease.

Is there an upper age limit for this brace?

No, there isn’t.

Provided that you don’t have any large gaps between your natural teeth and that you have a good standard of oral health, you can be 80 years old and undertake treatment with Invisalign.

Our team at Spa Dental is seeing more patients over the age of 50 seek out this brace, so it is equally popular with all age groups! There is a lower age limit and our team will need to check that the roots of your teeth are fully formed before we begin treating you with Invisalign.

Am I suitable for it?

If you have good oral health, are above the lower age limit and have a minor to moderate misalignment then you probably are!

Contact our team to discuss your suitability for Invisalign braces.

Can I drink coffee with this brace in?

In a word, no.

It is advised that while wearing this brace, you only consume water. Any other drinks like soda, coffee or red wine may stain the brace, not to mention the damage that may be caused by the heat of some beverages.

Isn’t it really expensive?

At Spa Dental, we can help you spread the cost of Invisalign braces by offering suitable patients interest-free payment plans. So contact our team today about eligibility, the terms and conditions and applying for this payment option.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.