Enjoy an active social life thanks to dental implants Sydney

Here at Spa Dental Sydney, we want our patients to have the freedom and confidence to live life to the full without the stress of ongoing dental issues. Read on to understand the range of benefits dental implants Sydney can provide!.
This amazing dental solution offers suitable candidates a range of rewards. If suitable for your needs, we recommend considering dental implants Sydney to replace missing teeth.
Our professional team of dental practitioners here at the practice are on hand to answer any queries you may have and can assist with the assessment process. Feel free to visit us at our dental practice in Sydney, as we welcome new and existing patients at our practice. We offer the Strauman dental implant system and to date our patients have enjoyed incredible results.
Dental implants can help to correct a variety of issues
If you are currently experiencing loose dentures or you have missing or loose teeth you may be an ideal candidate for having dental implants Sydney .Not only will they serve as successful replacements, but the additional benefits are so rewarding.
For many of our patients, loose dentures have had a negative effect on their daily habits and have caused them to restrict the food they ingest as well as limit social activities. Thanks to dental implants you can now dine out with friends and family without having to endure any limitations on the kind of food you order. Loose dentures or missing teeth can negatively impact your ability to bite and chew with ease and dental implants can help to correct this issue.
Engage with friends and family enjoying renewed confidence
Did you know that missing teeth may impact your ability to clearly pronounce certain words or phrases? Your communication levels may be affected, which in turn negatively affects your self-confidence. We are here to help all our patients and can work to correct this issue with the incredible healing benefits of dental implants. Your teeth work closely with your tongue to function as a foundation when forming certain sounds. By replacing missing teeth with artificial teeth using implants, it will help to restore your levels of speech so you can communicate clearly and fluently with your friends and family.
In addition to improved speech, you can enjoy the natural looking results of dental implants. As they are hard to detect and can be colour matched to blend in with your remaining teeth. Not only do they look like original teeth, but they feel like them too.
Enjoy a short recovery time following the implant surgery
If you’re feeling anxious about the dental implant procedure we offer patients the option to have it performed under local anaesthetic. This option only requires a short recovery time and possible side-effects are limited to mild discomfort in some patients. If this were to occur it can be treated through over-the-counter painkillers which can be recommended by one of our dental practitioners here at the practice.