What you need to know about dental implants

Not too many years ago it was quite common to see people walking around with a gap or two in their teeth, but nowadays it is becoming quite a rare sight with more and more people investing in dental implants in Sydney CBD.

If you have a missing tooth or teeth, at Spa Dental Sydney CBD we can give you your smile back with dental implants.

How dental implants work

This relatively new technology may be becoming more common, but many people still don’t understand dental implants in Sydney CBD and some haven’t even heard of them. Basically, a dental implant is a small screw, made from titanium, that replaces the root of the missing tooth. It is screwed directly into the jawbone, where the bone actually melds with the titanium, holding it securely in place. A crown, bridge or denture is then attached to the screw to replace the tooth or teeth. These permanent replacements look and feel just like natural teeth.

With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, and because of the sturdy way they are supported, you can eat whatever you like and not have to worry.

When it comes to replacing a full arch of teeth, this can be done using just 4 or 6 implants. Gone are the days of badly fitting dentures, faffing with denture glue, speech difficulties and restricted diets of soft foods. With dental implants in Sydney CBD, you can have a permanent bridge fitted and carry on living as though your teeth were all natural.

Can anyone have dental implants?

There are certain requirements for you to be a good candidate for dental implants in Sydney CBD. Because the implants are fitted into the jawbone, a certain level of bone density is required. This can sometimes be a problem for people who have worn dentures for a number of years. Without the natural teeth supporting the jawbone, over time the bone can recede, making it difficult to place an implant. However, there are still solutions such as zygomatic implants and bone grafts.

If you are considering having dental implants in Sydney CBD, come in for a consultation to talk through the options and see if implants can work for you.