Why clear braces could be right for you

We’re living in the picture-perfect age and with this comes a certain level of snapshot ready pressure. If you’re one of our wonderful patients who’s not feeling great about their smile, we want you to know we’re here to offer help and support. We see so many patients who have reached adulthood unhappy with their smile. People can miss the opportunity to correct their smiles for a whole heap of reasons but do not fear, there are some amazing solutions to provide subtle, adult tooth-straightening treatments available here at Spa Dental Sydney. And none more so than clear braces.
What are clear braces Sydney?
The team here are very proud to offer our patients the world leading Invisalign system. Invisalign is the most commonly used clear braces Sydney system and for good reason. It offers its patients a whole host of benefits, especially if you’re looking to straighten your smile as an adult.
Luckily we’re living in a world where inclusivity is becoming more and more common and lots of people are opting to straighten their teeth as adults and not having to worry about people staring or making comments regardless of the system they’re using. But for those patients wanting to use a system that’s as discreet as possible then Invisalign is perfect. The clear trays sit snugly over the teeth keeping everything super discreet, so those colleagues and friends will have to be looking extremely close to even notice a difference.
Unlike lots of other clear braces Sydney systems Invisalign is totally removable which offers two major benefits for comfortability.
Firstly, they are really easy going in the moving of teeth, they work on a pushing system that slowly puts pressure on teeth to move, but as you don’t have wires or fixtures you don’t need to worry about getting painful sores from where the metal can sometimes rub against the gum and lips.
Secondly, you can still access your teeth to clean them as you normally would, this might not seem like much of a benefit but trust us, it’s imperative that you can give your teeth a proper clean and are able to reach in between each tooth’s gum line through flossing. Maintaining healthy gums can be really tricky with wire braces.
Now of course every single case we see is slightly different and thus comes with its own individual challenges and timeline, but for those with simpler cases Invisalign can be known to straighten teeth in as little as six months. Imagine having the smile you’ve always dreamed of in just six months!
There’s one benefit that makes Invisalign extra special for our patients. Of course we expect you to be wearing your aligners for at least 22 hours per day. However, if you’ve got an extra, extra special occasion like a wedding, big birthday or job interview, you can actually remove your aligners for the day. Now, we say this with caution. Repeated complacency will amount to a slower process and perhaps not actually achieving the results you’re after.
If all that sounds like it’s too good to be true then get in contact and let one of our lovely team talk you through the process.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.